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Destacados ( ) is my favorite website related to public administration since the beginning of my career. In this website you can find: La Contraloría with information about the office of the comptroller general of the republic , Audioria and Juridica with the functions that meets, Regionales with the offices in each region of the country, CEA Capacitation with training course, Lobby, etc. Is a website has a lot of information, is easy to use and accessible for the people, for these reasons is a good platform. I visit the site many times because helped me in the university, I did an online course in, “Contralores Ciudadanos” (I love this course, I learned so much about the public administration) and my cousin works in this institution for many years and shows me this website and the new sections. I like the site for the aforementioned. Is a website has a lot of information and you learn a lot also the

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